Considering Epoxy Flooring For Your Garage? Know These 5 Things

Posted on: 8 April 2022

Do you want to transform the look of your garage and add epoxy flooring? If so, it will help to know the following things about it.

Epoxy Floors Shine Bright

One nice thing about having epoxy flooring in your garage is that it is going to make the floors shine bright compared to the bare concrete that is currently in it. This can make a garage look a lot nicer if you are using the garage for purposes other than parking your car and can really make the space seem more inviting because of the shine.

Epoxy Floors Are Affordable 

Your garage is not that big of a space, which means the total cost for an epoxy floor can be quite affordable. You can expect to pay somewhere between $3-$12 per square foot for both the material and the labor involved with the installation. If you want to install it yourself, the floors will become even cheaper. Epoxy flooring is a good solution that is often more affordable than other options, such as colored concrete

Epoxy Floors Provide Protection

Once the epoxy floor is installed in your garage, you'll notice that it will provide the space with protection from various damage that your garage sees over time. This includes leaks from your vehicle, such as oil, which can stain the concrete that it falls on. You'll also have protection from moisture damage since the epoxy essentially acts as a moisture barrier. 

Epoxy Flooring Lasts A Long Time 

The new epoxy flooring is going to last a long time, with the material having a lifespan that's as long as 30 years. This is an incredibly long time, and you may never need to replace the flooring for as long as you live in your home. As long as you do your part in maintaining the floor over time, you'll extend its lifespan to the max.

Epoxy Flooring Can Be Decorative

When installing an epoxy floor in a garage, know that it's possible for it to be decorative as well. For example, you can use different colors to separate where cars are parked and a work area for where the tools go. It really depends on what you want to do with your flooring to add color to it. 

Still not sure if you should install an epoxy floor in your garage? Reach out to an epoxy flooring contractor in your area for more information on installing this unique type of floor. 
